Hey, I am Roman

I'm a software engineer, and programming has turned out to be both my passion and my career.

I've spent the last few years at Bolt, working on the billing platform. Prior to that, I was a part of a small, dedicated team working on the CI service.
Check out my LinkedIn for more details -> or take a look at my CV -> if you prefer.

In my spare time, you'll find me tinkering with various software engineering projects, creating frameworks and apps that might never see the light of day.
Feel free to check out the ones that did survive ->


Having written code days and nights, I believe simplicity is the key to building complex yet maintainable software. However, achieving simplicity in complexity requires a vast skill set and a deep understanding of the fundamentals.
I'm quite a fun of nowdays (2024) trends of turning back to the fundamentals, reducing complexity where it is not needed.


I’m convinced that type-safe programming languages with powerful static analysis are the future. While TypeScript is a step up from JavaScript, it would be even better if Dart replaced it.

I also believe in choosing the right tools for the right tasks. That said, I genuinely think Go is one of the best programming languages out there. Its commitment to simplicity allows it to conceal complex concepts behind straightforward abstractions. It feels like the authors made the right decision at every turn when designing the language.


Despite spending days and nights programming, I do have a hobby outside of coding. I'm also an occasional amateur photographer, practicing street photography. Feel free to check out my shots on the photography page.

This website

This website is the only one that finally made it out of many attempts to create a personal page over the past few years. Before getting it done, I started from scratch more than 10 times and even bought three different domains.

I drew a lot of inspiration from the personal pages of Brandur Leach and Rasmus when building this site. I borrowed the content organization from Brandur's site, while the design was influenced by Rasmus's.

Content organization

The write-ups on this site are organized into two categories: bits — short-form notes that don’t quite warrant a full article and articles, which are more in-depth, long-read explorations of various topics. Splitting content this way has made it easier for me to publish more frequently.


This website is built with a mix of HTML and CSS, powered by Astro, with dynamic elements handled by HTMX. The design is fully implemented using Tailwind. Images are stored on R2, an S3-compatible storage by Cloudflare. The site is also hosted on Cloudflare and is automatically deployed via CI whenever code is pushed to the main branch on GitHub.