
I’ve been programming since I was fourteen. Although I’ve always wanted a blog, I never created one because, frankly, I didn’t know what to write or, more importantly, why I needed to. But now, I do.

I’ve gathered enough material to start publishing posts regularly, with the goal of attracting like-minded readers for meaningful conversations and collaborative efforts to make things better. The hope is that, together, we can grow a collection of content on this blog that continues to draw in people with similar tastes.

On this blog, I’ll primarily share content in two forms: bits — concise notes that don’t require much polishing, and articles — more in-depth, long-read explorations on various subjects. By structuring content this way, I hope to ease the pressure on myself, allowing me to publish more frequently.

Feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] if you have ideas for content or just want to say hi.

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